While we love our Flint River and the healthy river system it has become, we would be remiss to ignore the negative feelings many still rightfully have surrounding it due to poor policy decisions in the past. The Flint Water Crisis created lifelong challenges for Flint residents, and lead contamination in the city’s drinking water supply has many questioning the quality and health of the Flint River. While the steps being taken to improve the city’s drinking water are essential, they are not enough. The Flint River Watershed Coalition is appalled at the condition of the city’s decision-induced drinking water crisis, and dismayed that the local, state, and federal agencies that are meant to protect our citizens and our drinking water failed so completely.
Unfortunately, news reports have erroneously made statements such as “the highly caustic Flint River” or “the river serves as an industrial sewer”. These reports simply do not accurately state the facts. The Flint River is a vibrant ecosystem that supports a growing population of species such as eagles and ospreys, who live along and hunt in the Flint River. Recreational opportunities in and along the Flint River are abundant, and we’re seeing higher numbers of users each and every year. Local support for the protection, promotion, and improvement of the river has never been stronger.
long term benthic monitoring
show an ecosystem with data scores that are consistently trending from “good” to “excellent.” Our data show a wide array of animals that live and thrive in the river across the entire 1,400 sq mile watershed. The graph below shows the compilation of results from one monitoring site, the Flint River testing at the Flushing Township Nature Park, which is downstream of the Flint Water Treatment Plant.
Interpreting the Results:
National Secondary Drinking Water Regulations (NSDWRs) set non-mandatory water quality standards for 15 contaminants. EPA does not enforce these “secondary maximum contaminant levels” (SMCLs). They are established only as guidelines to assist public water systems in managing their drinking water for aesthetic considerations, such as taste, color, and odor. These contaminants are not considered to present a risk to human health. The SMCL for chloride is currently 250 mg/L.
EPA Recommended Water Quality Criteria for Aquatic Life
Treating river water for drinking water is very different from treating water from large, continuous bodies of surface freshwater, such as Lake Huron. Rivers generally contain a greater — and often varying — concentration of organic materials, such as decaying leaves and fish waste. These are naturally-occurring materials found in healthy aquatic ecosystems. Our data shows the Flint River is indeed a strong aquatic ecosystem. It was not the quality of the Flint River that caused the high bacterial levels, violations of the Safe Drinking Water Act for TTHM, the lead crisis and possible link to the Legionnaires outbreak.
It was improper treatment of the water, rather than the health of the river itself, that sparked the suite of issues with Flint’s drinking water. This failure to properly treat the water, coupled with the failure for local, state, and federal agencies to take action, has harmed our citizens and this invaluable freshwater resource. This is unacceptable.
We will continue in all of our efforts to protect, promote, and improve our beautiful Flint River. In the near term, we will continue our testing of the river on a regular basis to definitively demonstrate the river’s water quality, particularly in regard to chloride, conductivity and lead.
What can YOU do?
Join us in our benthic monitoring program this spring, donate to help us run additional lab tests, and hold accountable the public officials and agencies whose decisions led to the Flint Water Crisis.
The C. S. Mott Foundation produced a stunning video that captures the past, present, and future of our Flint River.
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